Sample Questions

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sample Questions - PART 12

Q) Which of the following statement(s) is/are true

1. There is no movement of water across isoosmotic solutions

2. Stenohalines includes only osmoconformers

3. Euryhalines can tolerate large osmotic changes in the environment

4. Water moves from a hyperosmotic solution to hypoosmotic solution

5. Both 3 and 4

Q) The only statement true among the following is

1. Fresh water fishes include only osmoregulators

2. Marine water fishes have a problem of gaining large quantities of water

3. Marine water fishes are hypertonic to seawater

4. Fresh water fishes are hypotonic to their surrounding water

5. None of the above

Q) The human urine is

1. Hypoosmotic compared to interstitial fluids

2. Hyperosmotic compared to interstitial fluids

3. Isoosmootic compared to interstitial fluids

4. Made hypoosmotic in cortical nephrons

5. Made hyperosmotic in cortical nephrons

Q) The decending limb loop of Henle

1. Has many aquaporins

2. Is permeable to salts

3. Is impermeable to water

4. Makes urine dilute

5. None of the above

Q) The part in human body impermeable to water is

1. Decending limb of loop of Henle

2. Ascending limb of loop of Henle

3. Glomerulus

4. Bowman's capsule

5. All the above

Q) During an allergic response, Histamin is released from

1.B Lymphocytes

2. T lymphocytes

3. Mast cells

4. Special lymphocyte that also secret IgE

Q) Prostaglandins are biologically active molecules that are
1. monocyclic

2. Bicyclic

3. Tricyclic

4. Polycyclic
5. None of the above

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