Sample Questions

These are the questions that were asked in various entrance examinations.
Try to answer the questions and know what you have learned.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sample Questions- PART 7

Q) Compared to smaller organisms, larger organism generally have
1. Larger cells
2. Smaller cells
3. More number of cells
4. Both 1 and 2
5. Both 2 and 3

Q) In a cell the most efficient import/export is possible when there is a
1. High volume
2. High surface area
3. High volume to surface area
4. High surface area to volume
5. None of the above

Q) What is common in all the epithelial cells
1. They are polarized
2. They are multifunctional
3. They do not have nucleus
4. They have multi layers
5. None of the above

Q) Which is found in middle lamella of plants
1. Cellulose
2. Liginin
3. Chitin
4. Sucrose
5. None of the above

Q) Suberin is found in
1. Leaves
2. Shoot apex
3. Casparian strip
4. Xylem
5. Phloem

Q) Tracheids and vessels only have
1. Symplast pathway
2. Trasmembrane pathway
3. Apoplast pathway
4. Active trasport
5. None of the above

Q) Excessive traspiration in plants occurs when
1. Stomata is closed
2. Stomata is closed and k+ concentration is more in guard cells
3. Stomata is open and H+ concentration is more in guard cells
4. H+ concentration is less in guard cells
5. None of the above

Q) Translocation is
1. Under positive pressure
2. Negative pressure
3. From sink to source
4. Both 1 and 3
5. Both 2 and 3

Q) Homeostasis in animals is said to be in
1. Static equillibrium
2. Dynamic equillibrium
3. Drives some reactions to completion
4. Never in equillibrium
5. None of the above

Q) poikilotherms can be considerd as
1. Ectotherms
2. Endotherms
3. Homeotherms
4.None of the above
5. Warm blooded animals

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