Sample Questions

These are the questions that were asked in various entrance examinations.
Try to answer the questions and know what you have learned.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sample Questions - PART 8

Q) The additional amino acid - apart from essential amino acids, that an infant requires essentially is
1. Tyrosine
2. Histidine
3. Glutamate
4. Serine
5. None of the above

Q) A component of Coenzyme A is
1. Pantothenic acid
2. Folic acid
3. Thiamine
4. Phylloquinone
5. Vitamin B12

Q) Which of the following has an antioxidant activity together with vitamin E
1. Magnesium
2. Chlorine
3. Iron
4. Selenium
5. Cobalt

Q) Chief cells produce
1. HCl
2. Pepsin
3. Trypsin
4. Pepsinogen
5. Mucus

Q) Absorption of digested food occrus mainly in
1. Stomach
2. Small intestine
3. Jejunam and illeum
4. Duodenum
5. Colon

Q) Lacteal is a part of
1. Blood
2. Bone
3. Lymph
4. Immune system
5. Endocrine system

Q) The feeling of hunger is triggerd by which of the substance relased by the stomach
1. Leptin
2. Ghrelin
3. Glucagon
4. CCK
5. None of the above

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